Our Green Initiatives
We are committed to Clean Green Beauty.
The cosmetic and beauty industry often has many ambiguous boundaries.
We must be the catalyst for change within our field.
Knowledge is indeed power.
GreenHouse artists have faced multiple professional challenges and are no longer willing to take such risks.
We deserve a higher standard.
The guests at the Center also deserve better.

Our eco-friendly, healing green salon embraces sustainable and safe practices to celebrate our journeys toward beauty and well-being.
Intentionally Choosing Products
Our primary goal is to prioritize the health and longevity of both our practitioners and guests.
This commitment starts with the deliberate selection of products that enhance our well-being—those that are natural, clean, derived from the highest quality plant materials, and crafted with the utmost care and stringent standards.
Moreover, we go above and beyond by ensuring that our chosen products are free from the following:
✕ Parabens
✕ GMOs
✕ Petroleum
✕ Phthalates
✕ Synthetic Fragrance
✕ PEGs, PPGs & BGs
✕ Artificial Colorants
Empowering Our Guests to Choose Clean Green Beauty
We're nudging you to make one tiny tweak at a comfy speed!
On any given day, the average woman slathers on 16 personal care products, sneaking in a whopping 168 different chemicals—yikes! That includes 515 synthetic ones! But hey, no finger-pointing here! It's time to cut ourselves some slack and support one another. This wild industry is like a rollercoaster with loose safety belts, but guess what? We've got the know-how and tools to steer us right! We're here to lend a helping hand!
Green Beauty Facts
In beauty, green means understanding nature and the human body as a whole, improving your looks, health and wellbeing naturally and holistically, and abstaining from synthetic, hazardous chemicals.
There are 40 million “green boomers” in the US.
Four in ten consumers today buy some type of organic food every time they shop for groceries.
We understand that posture and exposure to chemicals may affect our long term goals and health.
Prolonged exposure to the harmful chemicals and toxins found in salons as well as skincare and beauty products have been linked to infertility, breast cancer, bladder cancer, dermatitis, and respiratory problems.
Our scalp is where the blood supply is richest in the entire body.
Skin can absorb up to 60% of substances applied to its surface.
Bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and bone marrow cancers have higher incidence in hair care professionals who work with hair dyes daily for long period of times.
A study conducted in New York found that beauticians were at three times greater risk of breast cancer than other professions. Also, risk of lung, larynx, bladder, and multiple myeloma is higher in hairdressers than other occupations.
Study shows mothers exposed to endocrine disruptors and chemicals have fertility issues, miscarriages, ovarian failure, preterm labor, low birth weight, aral cleft palates, male genital tract malformations.
Cardiovascular function, Heart Disease may be linked to exposure to volatile chemicals which shows oxidative stress and reduced heart rate.
Increase risk of Depression for salon workers who had worked in the industry 20 years or longer.
IARC (international agency for research on cancer)concluded that “occupational exposures as a hairdresser are probably carcinogenic to humans.”
Salon workers have been found to suffer from neurological symptoms and disease at disproportionate rates, two symptoms are headaches and dizziness.
Pimples, redness, itchiness, and rashes are all signals that our body rejects certain ingredients in cosmetic products.
Asthma, migraines, hyperactivity disorder, rashes, depression, and seizures have been linked to synthetic chemical fragrances.
We must be conscious and limit exposure to top contenders ~Phthalates, formaldehyde, phenols, sodium laureth sulfate, coal tar, toxic dyes, and synthetic fragrance.
A significant amount of people are developing allergies or other skin conditions and color is not an option for them
1 out of 5 hair stylists will suffer an illness directly related to our occupation.
Improper POSTURE, repetitive work, and shampoo bowls have put us at risk for occupational related musculoskeletal disorders.
70% of hair stylist will suffer from work dermatitis at some point in our career.
We respect the health of our clients and ourselves.
For references and more information please check out:
Ingredients to Avoid
No. 1 – Animal Fats, Oils + Musks: Commonly collected from mink, emu +sharks. Often used in soaps, lubricants, salves + cosmetics.
No. 2 – Benzalkonium Chloride: Used as a disinfectant + antiseptic in moisturizers + sanitizers. A severe irritant to the immune, skin + respiratory systems.
No. 3 – Benzophenone + Derivatives: Common in personal care products such as nail polishes + sunscreen. Linked to cancer + considered an endocrine disruptor.
No. 4 – Bisphenol A (BPA): Used to harden plastic found in containers, bottles + linings. Acts as a hormone disruptor, especially concerning the development of fetuses, infants + children.
No. 5 – Butoxyethanol: Used as a solvent or fragrance additive in perfumes + hair color. Causes severe irritation to skin + respiratory tract, potentially carcinogenic.
No. 6 – BHA + BHT: Food + cosmetic additives used to extend shelf life. Likely carcinogenic + may cause liver damage.
No. 7 – Coal Tar: A derivative of coal, contaminated with heavy metals that are toxic to the brain. Used in hair dye + shampoo.
No. 8 – 1,4-Dioxane: A by-product of the manufacturing of other chemicals commonly found in toiletries +is a known animal carcinogen + probable human carcinogen. Irritant to the skin, eyes + respiratory system.
No. 9 – Endocrine Disruptors: Interferes with the endocrine system, can cause health effects such as reduced fertility, birth defects, impaired immune functions, developmental disorders +various cancers.
No. 10 – Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA): Found in hair products + moisturizers as a binding agent + stabilizer. May be toxic to organs + can cause adverse reproductive + developmental effects on the body.
No. 11 – Ethanolamines (MEA/DEA/TEA, Cocamide MEA, Diethanolamine, Cocamide DEA, Lauramide DEA, Linoleamide DEA, Oleamide DEA, Triethanolamine TEA): Found in hair dyes, cosmetics, fragrances + cleaning solvents, used as a surfactant + pH adjuster. Corrosive to the skin. Linked to causing allergies, disruptions in hormones + inhibited fetal brain development.
No. 12 – Formaldehyde: Used as a preservative in cosmetics & bazillion blow out +body products, is a known carcinogen linked to health problems including headaches, allergies, asthma,neurotoxicity + developmental toxicity.
No. 13 – Hydroquinone: Used as a skin lightener to diminish age spots + acne scars. Linked to cancer, is also known to cause serious skin irritations + organ toxicity.
No. 14 – Methyl Cellosolve: Used as a fragrance + solvent in anti-aging creams, moisturizers + serums. Is a skin irritant + possible neurotoxin. Exposure can cause DNA mutations that could lead to cancer.
Here at GreenHouse, we choose products that do not contain:
✕ Parabens
✕ GMOs
✕ Petroleum
✕ Phthalates
✕ Synthetic Fragrance
✕ PEGs, PPGs & BGs
✕ Artificial Colorants