Our Philosophy

Welcome to GreenHouse Holistic Co-Op

We bring a unique approach to teaching and healing — one that is focused on self-inspiration and embodies the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of wellbeing. This unique opportunity presents a new movement and will prove that some pieces of the wheelhouse have been left out.

Physical Active Beauty, High Vibrational Beauty, Green Beauty & Natural Beauty represents an area to bring alive in the healing arts and holistic world. This business was born with a soul.  It honors past cultures, spirituality, Mother Earth, energetic vibrations, universe, sun & moon cycles, cycles and transitions of the soul, hormones, Angels, and the very essence of our ultimate callings.

Natural Beauty in our world is coming alive.  It is up to us to educate and provide a safe place to relish and replenish authentic beauty. When we come together to create a community of holistic guides, we deepen awareness and respect to the healing arts. We plant a foundation of unity.

Each and every one of us is a piece to the puzzle. It is important we try and make it whole. If we work together and help all of our pieces fit, beauty transcends beyond the physical. Together we lift each other up, share in experiences, and have a common goal. GreenHouse will provide this space for the tribe and its guest's to make the puzzle whole again. We will pass this down so the following generations do not have to wait a life time to reconnect with their authentic spirit.

Women empowerment, support systems, and safety will define this dedication. Women supporting women to take away shame and judgement, and replace it with honesty and compassion. Women leading others by following intuition, by listening, and synergistically connecting. This is all in align with the divine feminine power which is emerging from the inner spirits of the divinely guided awakening universal connection.

Let us show you the way to your best self.

Sunflower Co-op Center

GreenHouse Holistic Co-op embodies the energy of sunflowers - photo shows field of sunflowers with the sun brightly setting in the background, yellow hue soaks image except for blue sky near the very top of the frame

We Embody

~ Light ~ Life  ~ Growth ~ Warmth ~ Action ~ Vitality ~ Pleasure ~ Provision

~A sunflower moves itself in the most direct position in front of the sun so it can get the maximum rays. This is  symbolic of spiritual faith, universal love, and worship.

~GreenHouse is a safe place to follow a  spiritual, cultural, universal love and connection. We will be the sunflower moving to provide rejuvenating life giving rays of light and hope.

~Wherever there is light, no matter how weak, sunflowers will find it. Such a lesson in life. ~The Centre’  will offer rays of sunshine, healing light, hope, and inspiration through darker times.

~In Chinese tradition, Sunflower deals with long life and good luck. Yellow represents vitality, intelligence, and happiness.

~GreenHouse offers a variety of life giving and energy restoration services and products cultivating longevity, balance, and joy through compassionate professionals.

~Christianity recognizes the Sunflower as a symbol of God’s love. The Sunflower represents the unwavering faith that guides our soul to the highest spiritual attunement.

~GreenHouse was rooted as a Soul business. It's intention is to create awareness that true natural beauty is felt and healed through your spirit, offering a physical representation of what is felt from this organic divine spark, and to serve the processes taking place within.

~When we do anything in the name Love it has long-lasting powerful energy.

~When we emanate love and intention behind our services at GreenHouse, as the Sunflower represents, we know our services are genuine and sustainable to help our guests grow inside and out divinely beautiful.

~SUNFLOWER chooses GreenHouse. GreenHouse chooses a Sunflower to represent the Centre’ because we are always seeking the light within ourselves and others. As souls we are seeking to create unity in business and community while keeping our connection to our divine Source and God/Goddess energy.

~Color affects our whole being. Sunflower can represent our Sacral (orange) and our Solar Plexus (yellow) In the Sacral Chakra  we can feel self-acceptance, and self-confidence. Solar Plexus is our power center where we will perceive and bring self- awareness of our thoughts to our personal evolution.