We are ALL local Hero’s! We SEE you! Do you believe in Earth Angels? Be an Angel today!
The EYE of the Storm ⛈️
Do we weather through it or do we wither from it?
We hear this a lot..
✨Turn pain into purpose
✨We’re meant to grow through the things we go through.
✨God only gives us what we can handle.
Let’s break it down JUST FOR TODAY
When we speak about unconditional love, that also means for ourselves. We love our younger self we couldn’t protect.
If you have to show up today on one of your hardest days, here’s your ANGEL whisper …
If you’ve endured traumatic events, grief, loss or the unexpected diagnosis. The unfathomable really. Please remember one day your story and your empathy is going to help someone else.
That is what this all means.
Whatever our calling is .. we have a big task on our plate, to break generational trauma, and endure pain at such a early age… We are being asked a lot out of us because he knows we can.
He knows we can weather through the storm.
He knows we can get through this and be able to offer others help and support through their pain.
This is what true community building is.
We absolutely love to see ALL the new AnD seasoned Wellness - Mind, Body, Spirt, Beauty professionals our world and across social media!!
For all the multiple wellness practitioners making a difference ~ chiropractor, OT, health coaches, life coaches, spiritual direction, mental health professionals, fitness programs, faith programs, eating programs, naturopath doctors, addiction specialists, functional medicine, fertility doctors, grief counselors, Douala, midwives, gut and hormone health practitioners…. The list goes on…!!
We also LOVE all the hero’s doing BIG things fighting war, politics, police, healthcare, fire departments, social services, community outreach, funeral directors, hospice, psychologist, doctors and nurses!
Pastors and Priests- what a calling!!
We LOVE all the accountants, electricians, bankers, insurance agents, professors, teachers and daycare providers!!
Cafe and restaurant owners, retail, makers, artists, musicians… we literally need to eat, drink and be merry with you! We celebrate with you!! We fuel our bodies with you!
We ALL need each other and rely on each other to thrive in life! In our homes and businesses. We can’t have one without the other.
It isn’t because any of us had it easy!
We have all chosen to help and rise someONE!
Your smile is a gift!
You matter to this world, you are a piece of the puzzle.
This also means we called in the continuing lessons to learn as we grow with you.
The universe responds into providing you the exact lessons you need to teach.
Living in our fast paced world, this takes
Self - Discipline and Perseverance
Out current platform is social media to connect us all - easiest. For all our courageous and vulnerable folks rising up
Our amazing musicians are accepted, and are invited to put their pain & stories out so we never have to feel alone! Books from our scholars, scriptures, showmanship!
Way showers - pave the way!
And us at GreenHouse - today!
We share ~ You are not alone!
We have accepted the challenge (before arrived Earthside most Likely) transmute pain to purpose to walk the journey with you. Because it’s real.
We are not speaking for everyone, but on behalf of those who accept this invitation…
We will locally support storytelling, vulnerability, because we have seen endless people in pain, or even ourselves, and not feeling we can share - especially if you’re the business owner!!
We are all keeping a silence or secret in ALL professions. This is a big role!!
In the business world, we are told, or believe the false ramifications, if we speak our truth or storytelling - we might open a wound with vulnerability and it can hurt possible judgment or loss of business.
Business owner and everyone else
If this is YOUR hard day
continue to show up for your business and your children or your family,
Speak a compassionate truth
please watch out for that Angel in your life OR be someone else’s angel today.
Lift them up!
Angels kisses your way 😇👼🪽
P.S. Treat your heart, heal your heart and love yourself with US 🌈❣️❤️